Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Entry #7 FRESH

Has anyone ever had an mind-boggling experience where they're so shocked that they just stay silent? Thats what I experienced when I watched the movie "Fresh", it is a bunch of farmers re-inventing food production in America. This movie exposes problems in the farming industry that goes out in the world were people eat, the farmers try to approach a healthier environment for the farm so the environmental food industrty can change for the better.                         

Fresh (2009) - IMDb
"Fresh" Film


At the beginning of the movie there was a man named George, and he said his college roommate from Pakistan said something that is reality of today's society; Americans fear inconvience. This really caught my eye because I don't think about it as much but it's very true, people are always rushing out of work to get a quick bite and goes straight to fast food which typically becomes a bad habit every day. Eventually, in our daily lives we would just want want want. Has anyone stopped to think were most of the food is grown? How much labor they put into those produce items? 

In fact, there is a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Fox from the movie that's talking about how much the farming industry has changed. They mention it's not the same as back in the day because back then it was all manual labor work, and the chickens they were breeding didn't grow as fast. In the present, they feed the chickens a poultry litter. However, that liter may cause irritation to eye, skin, and respiratory tract so you have to avoid breathing it in and wash your hands thoroughly. If it causes harm to humans like that then why is the farming industry feeding the chickens that? Well it is said to be very nutrional to the chickens, which is why they breed twice as fast. One part of the film that's very upsetting is when the farmers received atleast 27,600 baby chickens and they're just throwing them very harsh out of the carriers. While thats going on monoculture is happening and the only thing thats keeping the animals alive is anitibitics in there food.

One of the farmers that stood out to me is Joel Salatin, his tone and attitude was just postive his motto is; if your commited to healing the land then you do something different. Farmer Joel looks at the natural templete and follows through instead of going in the direction of the industry. He trys to get as close as possible his his cows to follow there natural habitat, meaning he moves his cows virtually everyday from paddack to paddack to keep mimicking that natural herding instinct of herbibore in nature. This way they're not in the same spot and revegetate. This is brilliant because farmer Joel also brings his chickens and feeds them after the cows manure which they eat off the fly larvae and benefit nutrients.(Very nauseating) His part of the film gave me hope that the farming industry isn't so bad, he believes that he isn't really farming animals it's grass. When the grass is taken care of then the grass takes care of the animals!

Fresh (2009) - IMDb
Joel Salatin


I believe the purpose of this film was to show some motivated farmers how they're trying to create a new approach on how to better the environemental through the food chain and your health. This film made me think of all the processed foods, the dangers of monoculture, and the benefits of eating healthy foods. Despite the film not giving us a attenable solution to change there is some very educational ways to eat healthier. At the end of the day it's easier to ignore all the problems, but not wise in the long run. This film brought a very powerful message that it takes one consumer at a time to make a difference! 

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm and interest in this film are apparent in your entry here. Nice overview and helpful considerations.


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                             We live in a world were social media is at everyones fingertips, due to the rise of social media it's no su...