Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Blog #9 Topics in Food Quest

 Have you ever felt so tired after work that you just want to grab a quick bite? How about when you wake up late in the morning and just want a quick and easy breakfast sandwich from Mcdonalds? Well you're starting the morning with no nutriential value and ending the day the same way. Overeating in fast food can cause negative impact on your health in the short and long-term. 

How 'Super Size Me' changed the world
Morgan Spurlock


As a matter of fact let me tell you about this film called Super Size Me, one day Morgan Spurlock wanted to find out what would happen if he ate nothing but Mcdonald's for a whole month. His doctor's didn't think to much about it they thought he would gain a few pounds and that's it but they were in for a surprise. Morgan was an healthy, energetic young man that suddenly was feeling heavier, grumpy, and depressed. After eating just Big Macs, French fries, and loads of Coke he started getting chest pains and shortness of breath due to his cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. His doctor then described his liver as "obscene."

As you can see Mcdonald's is just high in fat, sugar, and salt. Nothing about it is nutrisous, the real reason people keep going back to it is because the industry puts food additive in their meals!

In addition, let's discuss the elephant in the room: obesity. Young children are the main victims of fast food, it is a very serious issue that could be avoided. Yes, parents are to blame but are they? Sometimes parents are working many hours juggling multiple roles to provide and just want to give their kids a quick bite, but sometimes it's the other way around. Due to that those parents are to selfish to realize they're causing their children long-term problems. This ad below caught my eye because parents should be advoating for their childrens healthy eating habits! According to the Hazel Team they stated "good nutrition plays a vital role in a child's growth and development." I completely agree eating protein, fruits, and vegatales strengthen bones, boost immunity, and maintains a healthy weight! It also reduces the risk of getting any chronic diseases later in life. 

                               The Golden Arches Shine the Way to Obesity – Professor Ramos' Blog

To wrap things up, we should stick to veggies, right? It's okay to get fastfood every now and then but limit yourself, or else you'll suffer the consequences later on in life. Remember parents play a crucial role in shaping their child's eating habits so set a good example. Keep in mind healthy eatind habits take time and patience but it's definitely beneficial in the long run!

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